Thursday, July 10, 2003

Camp is freakin' great.
I'll go into it in detail at some point... but lemme sum it up this way:

at orientation Bill said: "we're not going to need all the new staff the first two weeks, so you're not working"
later that day Bill said: "I want you the first week to be a one-on-one counselor"
1st day of camp Bill said: "The camper you were going to be with isn't here, go with the CIT/LIT program"
4th day of camp Bill said: "The CIT/LIT director likes you and wants you to stay there to work with them"
today Bill said: "There are too many LITs. We're going to split them into two groups and you're going to be in charge of one of them"

Big Woot.
Wootie McWootWoot.

So, how long has it been since I did an update on the life of John? Y'know what, don't answer that, I don't need to know. I'...