Saturday, May 29, 2004

Yeah, right... a full-time assistant for Andy. I was dreamin' ...

So, the school year is almost over. Yee-haw. I survived. Looking back at it now, one of the reasons that I wasn't too upset about not getting the director position turned out to be a darn good reason... not having time for ropes. I love ropes. It's back in season again and I frickin' love it.

The summer looks interesting, I'm co-running the LITs this year with someone whose name I keep forgetting. I hope when I start working with them every day I'll break that habit. We've got a bunch of ideas thrown out there, but basically we're tearing down the whole structure from last year and starting over. So there will probably be some trial and error.

I'm not even thinking about the fall yet. Maybe over the summer, some awesome position will present itself as being available... and if not, maybe they'll take me back. We'll see.

In other news, is down. I "upgraded" the account and they moved it to some new server. That server apprently had a different version of MySQL or something because the phpBB board that they provided started "blowing up the server" (direct quote from tech support). I tried to play nice by doing some research into the board and finding out if there were some settings I could tweak... and, after a 20 hour wait, they let me try the phpBB gurus' suggestions. They didn't work though, so they suspended the account again fairly quickly... then after another 16 hours or so they said they'd move the site back to where it was (my suggestion) and now they can't seem to find where they moved it to... and the DNS is still pointing to where it was when it was "blowing up the server" and I think they're going to "blow up my brain."

So, how long has it been since I did an update on the life of John? Y'know what, don't answer that, I don't need to know. I'...